Overview There are instances wherein users cannot upload binary documents, images, avatars, etc. They may see the following error in the application logs and sometimes in UI as well: Storage provider ...
Overview The Watch a Tag widget may start to return empty results due to a bug with Oracle 12c, where certain types of database query joins return inconsistent results. When configuring the Watch a Ta...
Overview Users are unable to change the dates in CMR (Community Manager Report) reports. Errors are found in the sbs.log file related to ORA-00600, where ETL summary tasks are failing to run: 14 Jan 2...
Overview ETL jobs have started failing, with one of the following error messages appearing in the logs: ERROR com.jivesoftware.community.analytics.etl.IdDrivenCopyETLTask - Error running ETL: Document...
Overview When trying to delete a Space through the Admin Console, the delete task fails with the following error message: An error occurred during community deletion. Please check the logs for more in...
Overview This document contains a series of cache-related tips and references that will be useful to address issues reported regularly by users working with the Jive production environment. Informatio...
Overview The ETL process throws errors and analytics does not work as expected. Several errors can be found in the logs, one of which is ORA-00933. ETL runs and sends this query to Oracle: SELECT ...
Overview This article explains the following configuration parameters for Oracle: The fetchSizeSupported which needs to be set to false in the jive_startup.xml. The special JVM property - Doracle.jdbc...
Overview This article explains the process of getting All System Properties for an On-Premise instance. Environment Jive On-Prem Process Option 1 - From the Database Run the following query: SELECT ...
Overview Jive system is completely down after attempting to integrate (or remove) multiple Cache servers. Cache services do not start anymore. The following error message is received from either of th...