The Department Interactions in Community Analytics report shows interactions of departments that do not exist now but existed earlier. These departments may have been created for testing and then deleted.
You want to know if there is:
- A way to stop the Department Interactions Report from showing departments that do not exist
- Or, a way to show department interactions of ACTIVE departments and ALL departments (including previous departments, if any) separately.
Analytics data includes historic data on departments. The default time range on the Department Interactions report is 12 months. If a department had previously existed in this time period, it will show in the report. This is functioning as designed.
A workaround is to change the date range, to start after the date when the departments were deleted, like below.
We have created an Enhancement Request with the Product team, to consider including a filter to exclude deleted departments from reporting.
<supportagent> See Enhancement Request JIVESPECS-1416 </supportagent>
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