Jive community administrators can control user access to administrative settings, spaces, blogs, social groups, and content. To configure access, you grant or revoke permissions to individual users or groups of users. The access can either be controlled by the use of the standard permission levels or custom permissions as per the community needs.
- Administrative access to your Jive instance.
A community is made up of various users who have different roles in different teams. For example, a community may have different teams for human resources, marketing, sales, etc. And these teams may have multiple user roles such as managers, bloggers, engineers, etc.
Administrators can set up user groups based on the teams and user roles that they have before assigning permissions to them. This also enables the administrators to quickly provide (or revoke) the necessary access to a user by simply adding (or removing) them in the user group without changing any permission settings.
Step 1: Creating User Groups
Create user groups in your community based on the access and permissions requirements of your users.
Step 2: Assigning Permissions to the User Groups
Assign the permissions to the user groups in one of the following ways:
- Assign the standard permission levels to the user groups. You can also create custom permission levels based on your requirements.
- Assign one or more access permissions to the user groups. This option lets you assign specific access to the user groups by choosing from a list of fine-grained options.
Step 3: Adding the Individual Users to the User Groups
Add (or remove) the individual users in the user groups based on the permission levels they require.
Step 4: Setting up Special User Overrides
This step is optional and should be performed for special cases. For example, you may want all but a select few individual users to have the permissions that you assigned to the group. You can achieve this by Creating User Overrides.
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