A static resource is something that is not generated dynamically. E.g. an Image is stored on a server’s filesystem as a static resource. It is never altered and served to users as-is by the webserver. An example of a dynamic resource is JSON data specific to the user requesting it (it has to be generated specifically for that user).
In Jive, you can use Tiles to upload static file resources, so you can link to them directly using a URL. You can upload any kind of static file from a menu inside the Formatted Text and HTML tiles. You can also see the available uploaded resources and copy their URLs so you can use them in your Tile code. You can upload up to 10 files per place.
Unable to Upload Certain File Types in a Tile
Besides images, it is also possible to upload and use other types of static resources in different tiles. E.g., in the Audio Tile, it is possible to upload and use MP3 and WAV audio files.
There is a global property (jive.statics.whitelist
) that controls what file types can be uploaded. There is another global property (jive.statics.global.maxSize
) that controls the maximum size of static resources that can be uploaded. See the article: Unable To Upload mp3 And Wav Files In The Jive Solutions Audio Tile.
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