Jive users can insert images in the content of documents and blog posts. The Images' settings control the behavior of embedded images, as opposed to images that are attached to content as links.
This article provides the procedure for configuring settings for embedded images.
You can use the Images' settings to enable and disable image embedding in content, and to specify the maximum number and size of images. You can also set when and how they should be displayed as thumbnails. Unless otherwise specified, image sizes are specified in pixels. These settings do not affect images that are attached to content as links. For more information about the difference, see Understanding Embedded, Attached, and Uploaded Images.
Content-type Settings
Content-type settings let you specify which kinds of images (as determined by their MIME type) should be allowed to be embedded. You might find that some image file types are not needed. If you want to prevent some kinds of images from being uploaded, you can prohibit them by adding them to the Disallowed Content Type list.
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