This article describes Jive's eDiscovery module.
Jive Cloud
Whenever legal, regulatory or investigative obligations require searching communications in Jive (either in Jive's internal communities or in JiveN's external communities), the eDiscovery Module delivers.
The eDiscovery Module allows administrators to search Jive for content related to any specific user and to export the results for use with third-party eDiscovery management tools. This module can search for users, periods, and keywords for accurate results about particular users, or for interactions containing a keyword or phrase.
Admins can export the current records of the content with which a user has interacted during selected dates. This information includes content the user has created, edited, replied to, or commented on within a specific date range.
By default, search results are available for download for seven days. This period can be reset by setting the eDiscovery.expirationPeriod
system property to a different number of days.
The content returned by Jive’s eDiscovery Module includes:
- Text documents, including the latest version and all attachments and uploaded images.
- Binary documents, including summary and binary file for the latest version with binary body exported.
- Discussions, blog posts, direct messages, and videos with embedded images and attachments.
- Polls, including description, poll option texts, and any images.
- Ideas, including titles and bodies.
- Video descriptions.
- Tasks.
Note: Reports do not include content that the user has shared or bookmarked.
All content, along with any replies and comments associated with it, is delivered in XML files which contain the text components of the interactions, and any binary files containing images or attachments. All resulting XML files are compressed in a ZIP file.
The eDiscovery Module only extracts the content, replies, and comments existing in Jive at the time of the search, including private and secret material.
In the same way, a document will be extracted in the version existing at the time of the search. If a user modifies a document while the search is running and the comment or document has not been retrieved by the search yet, the changed information will not be extracted. Earlier versions of content are not returned by the search, even if they contain the search term.
Note: If earlier versions of content are required, please review Jive Records Retention, which would be used in context with third-party eDiscovery search solutions. Please be advised that only administrators with full access to Jive can use the module’s search capabilities. Jive Cloud customers can request this special access through Jive Support.
This module is a paid service. Please contact an Account Manager for more information. News and discussions about Jive’s eDiscovery Module can be found in Jive's internal community.
Managers will typically have the right credentials to add the module back to a customer's Jive Cloud Admin/Jive Cloud X page. Once the eDiscovery Module is successfully added by an Admin (and to validate the activation), open the Admin Console and navigate to System > eDiscovery Search as shown below:
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