Use this article to advise customers who:
- Want to change the password of the local 'jive' account. Or
- Have changed (accidentally or not) the password of the local 'jive' account.
Before proceeding with the instructions, the following information can help when responding to customers that ask about this:
- Long-term consequences of changing the 'jive' local user on the system are untested and unsupported.
- The 'jive' account is created during the original installation of the Jive application on the server. By default, this account is created locked and without a password.
- Previous cases where customers asked about changing the password of the 'jive' account have been replied to as follows:
- While changing the password of the 'jive' account should not affect the behavior of the application nor its start, it is still an unsupported and untested activity, and no use case that included this scenario has been analyzed.
- The 'jive' account is intended to never be touched.
Checking the Account
To validate that the 'jive' account is locked and has no password set, the /etc/shadow
document in your production Linux server should be examined. To do so, run the following command:
sudo grep jive /etc/shadow
It should return the following output:
This is the default state and means that the account was not changed (see breakdown below):
- The two exclamation marks (!!) indicate that the user is locked.
- The subsequent numeric string (17702:0:99999:7) indicates that there never was a password set for this user.
If the password was changed, then the output will be similar to the following (indicating that the account is unlocked and a password is set):
jive:$6$[encrypted password string]
Note: No issues are expected with the 'Jive' account in this state, however, it is untested and unsupported.
Locking the 'jive' Account and Removing the Password
Consider the following before proceeding:
- The following instructions are out of scope for Aurea Support as the 'jive' account is not expected to be changed.
- It is highly recommended to try on these steps on a DEV or UAT instance before rolling out to production (make the changes then restart the server and monitor for any effects).
If the customer runs into any errors with their Jive instance after setting a password for the 'jive' account, follow these steps to revert the account to the previous user state (locking the 'jive' user and removing its password):
- Log in to the instance with a
user (sudo privileges user). - Run the following command to remove the password from the 'jive' account:
sudo passwd -d jive
The following response is received:"Removing password for user jive."
"passwd: Success"
- Run the following command to lock the account:
sudo usermod -L jive
- Validate that the account is now locked by running the command:
sudo grep jive /etc/shadow
The following response indicates that the account is locked:jive:!
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