We have discovered an issue in Jive Hosted 9.0.5 where you may not be able to add additional authors while editing events. This article explains how to diagnose the issue and its resolution.
Jive Hosted 9.0.5
- Create an event, fill all the fields as usual, and save the event.
- Click on the Edit button from the Actions menu.
- Scroll down towards the bottom of the edit event page.
- Expand the Advanced Options, check on Add authors, select Specific People, and add additional event authors.
- Click on the Update event button to save the changes.
Actual behavior
The additional event authors are not added to the event.
Expected behavior
The additional event authors should be added to the event.
This has been identified as a bug and fixed in Jive 9.0.7 under the issue key JVHOPST-5296. Please upgrade your Jive hosted instance to version 9.0.7 or later to resolve this issue.
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