After installing or deploying a WAR file to your Jive instance, some users are receiving a render error when they try to access the community. The following messages may appear in the logs:
- Failure executing direct API request
com.jivesoftware.community.eae.streams.UnauthorizedStreamException: Authenticated user is not permitted to view other user's configurations.
at com.jivesoftware.community.eae.streams.proxy.StreamManagerProxy.authorizeViewStreamConfiguration(StreamManagerProxy.java:319) - ERROR com.jivesoftware.render.view.soy.SoyViewRenderer - Failed to render template 'jive.news.stream.activity_list' due to SoyTofuException: In template jive.eae.activitystream.activityStream: In 'print' tag, expression "$activityStream.viewingUser.objectType" evaluates to undefined.
This article provides information on how to investigate the cause of this issue.
Jive On-Premise.
Please note that investigating issues that only occur when a custom WAR file is deployed or installed to a Jive instance is outside the Jive Support Team's Scope of Work.
In order to check if this is the case, please check to see if the issue continues to occur when the WAR file is not deployed or installed. If so, contact us, so that ATLAS can assist you. If it ends up creating a ticket, then add the SBS log files from the web servers attached (these are located at /usr/local/jive/var/logs) on the ticket.
If the issue only occurs when the WAR file is deployed, please review the following information:
A possible cause of this issue may be outdated certificates in the Java Keystore stored on the web servers for your community. Please check with your IT team to confirm that all the certificates in the Java Keystore are up to date.
Review the documentation on the WAR overlay archetype in Jive.
- Consider an engagement with Jive Professional Services. To get more information about these services, contact your account manager, customer success manager, or account executive.
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