Users are reporting that they are unable to view videos that have been created in an externally accessible group.
If the users are able to view the video when they have a direct link to it (for example, https://yourcommunity.jivesoftware.com/videos/1001), please ask the users to clear their browser cache, then ask them to try to view the videos again. If the issue persists, please provide the information listed in the Testing section.
Otherwise, please follow the steps in the Solution section.
Support agents: This issue may be caused by the video not being processed yet. To determine if this is the case, follow these steps:
- Browse to the video in Jive.
- Copy the video id from the address bar. For example, if the address is https://yourcommunity.jivesoftware.com/videos/1001, the video id is 1001.
- Navigate to the customer's instance in the Jive Cloud Admin tool.
- Click on the Magic Query Tool.
- Run the following query: select * from jivevideo where videoid = <the id from Step 2>;
- Check the values of the processingstatus and status columns. If the processingstatus value is 1, and the status value is 12, this means the video is still processing, and it will need to be updated as per the steps below.
- You can confirm that the video has finished processing by running the query from Step 5 again. If the processingstatus value is 3, and the status is 2, this means that the video has now processed.
- Browse to the video.
- Click on Edit.
- Click on Update.
After updating the video, it should start processing again be available for viewing shortly. The processing time depends on the size of the video and the resources available for your Jive instance.
If the issue persists, you can contact us. If you are not satisfied with the solution provided by ATLAS and a ticket is created for you, then please include the following information in that ticket:
- A HAR file that was generated while reproducing the issue.
- The usernames or email addresses of some of the users affected.
- The address of the group.
- A link to one of the videos that the users are unable to view or access.
- A screenshot of the issue or any error messages that the users encounter when trying to view or access videos.
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