After a blog post, a video, or another content item was published, it suddenly disappeared, with the message "Not Found" appearing when you try to view the item, and the message details indicate that the item may have been deleted:
When users with system administration privileges browse to the content item's page, they may see the following message: "Please note: your content was added successfully, but a moderator needs to approve it before it can be posted", or they may also be unable to view the item.
This issue can occur when a user in your community has marked or flagged the content item as abuse, or it may be the case that the item was indeed deleted.
If users with system administration privileges are able to view the item, this means it was marked as abuse. Please ask the moderators or the system admins in your community to review their moderation queues in order to approve or reject the item from appearing in your community.
If users with system administration privileges are also unable to view the item, please follow the steps below.
Getting the History of a Content Item
- Log in to Jive as a user with system administration privileges.
- Browse to the content item's address/page.
- Copy the URL/the contents of the browser's address bar.
- Click on your user avatar.
- Click on Analytics Export.
- Click on the button with the + icon, then paste in ContentActionObject.Url, and select it in the dropdown that appears:
- In the popup that appears, paste in the URL you copied in Step 2, then click on the + button:
- Click on Apply.
- Click on the ActivityTime filter:
- Modify the date range start value to be at least a month before the item was noticed as not being available.
- Click on Apply.
- Click on the Preview button.
- Click on the Download Content CSV button.
- A CSV file will be downloaded to your computer.
- The file will have detailed information on all of the actions that have been taken on the content item over the past week. For more information on the actions that are detailed in a content export file, review this documentation.
- The ContentActionObject.Status column will outline the details of the item's publication status. This can be used to determine if the item was deleted or had any other significant status change. To determine the exact meaning of each action that was taken on the content item, review the
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