This article provides information on the two permission level types for 'Spaces' in Jive that you can assign to users.
Jive includes standard space permission levels that you can assign to individual users or groups of users that you define. Additionally, you can create custom space permission levels.
When you assign permissions for access to a 'Space', you can assign a level, and then further customize as needed with overrides for particular users.
Space Permission Level Types
Following briefs the two permission level types for 'Spaces'.
Standard Space Permission Levels
These permission levels are designed for typical roles, such as a 'Moderator' or 'Administrator'. These permission levels control how users access space features at a high level. For more information, see Standard Permission Levels for Spaces.
Custom Space Permission Levels and User Overrides
You can create a custom space permission level to allow fine-grained access to a 'Space'. For example, you might create a custom level in which people can create new discussion posts but only comment on documents (rather than create them). For more information, see Custom Permission Levels and User Overrides for spaces.
Please note that Projects and sub-spaces inherit the permissions of the space that contain them. Social groups, on the other hand, are independent of spaces.
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