This article lists all the 'System Administration' permission levels in Jive that you can assign to users.
Jive offers multiple system administration permission levels to give users various controls over administrative functions. Please note that the system administration permission levels cannot be customized, and this article presents an exhaustive list of the available levels.
Administration Permission Levels
Following are the 'System Administration' permission levels you can assign, with a summary of what these enable the users to do.
Full Access
This permission level allows control over every facet of the system. This level should only be assigned to users who are cleared to administer the system from a technical standpoint. It also gives access to view and administer all content in the system.
Manage Community
This permission level allows similar access as 'Manage System', plus the ability to create and manage spaces, space permissions, and system announcements. Users with this permission level can also view all space content, but they cannot view private groups and messages, nor personal container content.
Manage System
This permission level allows control over all technical aspects of the Admin Console. However, it does not automatically grant access to all community content. If your system has content in spaces that should be kept confidential, grant this permission to technical administrators.
Moderate Content
This permission level allows the users to moderate social group content as well as perform global moderation duties across all spaces. This level does not enable Admin Console access. When this level is granted to a user group, all moderated content passes through their queue before it appears in the community. For more information, please visit Moderation in Jive.
Manage Users
This permission level allows the users to manage the users of the application. For more information, please see Managing User Accounts and User Groups.
Manage Groups
This permission level allows the users to create and manage user groups, such as for assigning permissions. For more information, see Managing User Accounts and User Groups.
Manage News Streams
This permission level allows the users to manage the News page, including creating and managing news streams for users as well as creating and configuring tiles on the News page. For more information about news streams, see Customizing News Page.
Manage Support Center
This permission level allows the users to configure the Support Center layout by adding sections and places, designing the background, or changing the header text, etc. This permission is only useful if you have the Support Center enabled, which can be done by creating a Support case in the Jive Community. For more information, see Managing Support Center.
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