This article provides the process of disabling Jive Community Digest Emails for your instance for all users.
You may want to do this if users are receiving a large volume of emails from Jive, which have subjects that include the words: “Following Updates” and “Community Updates”.
Jive Cloud
Please contact us.
You will need to perform these steps on the behalf of the customer as they do not have access to change system properties on Cloud instances.
- Login to Jive Cloud Admin and locate the customer's instance.
- Log in as admin and follow the steps listed in the next section.
Jive On-Premise/Hosted
- Browse to the Admin Console > System.
- Click on System properties.
- In the Property Name textbox at the top of the page, paste in: jive.digest.enabled
- In the Property Value textbox below it, paste in: false
- Click on the Save Property button.
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