Users see News streams listed across the top of the News page. As a community manager, you can create and manage the streams for all registered users to see to the News page.
Attention! You must have Manage News Streams or Manage Community permissions to create\ modify, or delete News streams.
Step by Step
You can create up to 10 News streams to be displayed on the News page in the order listed under News Stream when you edit the News page. To create News streams for everyone in the community:
- In the user interface, go to the News page and click Manage the News page icon (
) next to News to create a new stream.
- Under Create custom streams for, select Everyone.
- In News Stream Title, enter the stream title, for example, CEO's Blog.
Note: This is the stream name users see on the News page. - In Places/Blogs, specify the place or blog from which you want the stream to pull content.
Tip! Make the stream title work for every rule you are going to create for this stream.
- Under Audience select whether you want guest users (users who have not registered) to be able to see the stream.
Note: This is only relevant if your community is visible to unregistered users.
- Under Notify Users, select whether you want the stream's users to receive email or mobile notifications every time new content is posted in the place or blog.
Tip! In general, we recommend setting this to Off. However, you may likely want to enable notifications on the most important content that your users cannot miss. Note that if notifications get noisy, users may stop reading the content.
- Click on Save to save the stream configuration. You can create up to 10 News streams and reorder the list by dragging streams to new positions.
- When you finished adding streams, click on Publish Layout.
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