This article provides more information about Jive's Support Policy and Support Limitations regarding investigating errors in Jive logs.
While Jive encourages customers to provide relevant logs when filing tickets, there have been situations where customers have requested a review of errors found in logs despite not having any issues observed by their end-users. Jive support will not investigate these types of requests and will only analyze log files for issues that are directly tied to broken or unexpected functionality.
Various types of logs are available in Jive, which can be useful in troubleshooting issues in the application. Jive Support will often gather or request logs that pertain to a specific component which is experiencing an issue. These logs will often include information that is related to an issue that is happening to an end-user accessing the Jive platform.
Support Policy
- Jive Support will utilize the various logging resources available to address and troubleshoot unexpected behavior within the Jive platform. (This excludes customizations provided by Jive Partners or Jive Professional Services. These are addressed by the respective partners or services).
- Jive Support will not provide any analysis for any logs without being clearly connected to an issue which is impacting a Jive community. Errors in logs themselves do not necessarily impact a community.
Explaining the Policy to Customers
We appreciate when customers want to proactively address issues before there is a user impact, and logging errors can understandably raise a sense of alarm. In most contexts, an error message may indicate something is wrong. This is especially true when the majority of unexpected behavior in Jive usually casts errors in some form of logs.
Sample Scenario
Here is one of the many examples where an ERROR exception is necessary for normal behavior:
A user is trying to log into a Jive community that uses SAML/SSO. They inadvertently provided the wrong credentials. The result of this is an ERROR level exception with a long stack trace which points to many different Java classes, many of which make sense for what the user did, some which do not because of the nature of the application stack.
The error does not mean something is broken. It is actually the opposite. It is necessary for the application to cast the error in order for the authentication to fail. The failure then triggers a break in the login flow, which causes a different set of code to be executed. This code tells the Identity Provider (IDP) and the user that wrong credentials were used.
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