A PDF file that you uploaded displays poorly in Preview.
- E.g. two columns of the text are overlapping
- You are on a Jive Cloud instance
The text in the Preview Section is only an approximation of the original document, mainly because the Jive application uses Libre Office & other 3rd Party modules to generate HTML5 document previews, resulting in such difference in the rendering of the content in Previews.
This can be related to non-standard fonts being used in the PDF file, or other non-standard elements in the PDF file. There is no reliable way of confirming the list of supported fonts, as the HTML5 Preview component substitutes to an open-source fallback font in such cases to ensure consistent rendering of the document across different platforms.
As a work-around, we have found that the Microsoft Print To PDF option in Microsoft Windows generates PDF documents that are previewed well in Jive.
- Open the PDF document on your Windows PC, in the PDF viewer of your choice
- Press Ctrl+P to bring up the Printer dialog
- Select “Microsoft Print to PDF” as the destination
- Press “Print” and save the document on your PC
- Upload the newly created document into Jive
We have also found that the Apple Preview’s Print to PDF option and the Adobe Acrobat Print to PDF do not always give results that display well in Jive Cloud.
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