Analytics ETL Jobs have been failing recently.
- Error in ETL History:
Task: Group : Batch entry XX INSERT INTO jivedw_group_stage (group_id, name, description, creation_ts, modification_ts) VALUES (1117, '__jive_populated_1.6840359823548041E19…, '', '2017-02-17 23:07:22.979000 +00:00:00', '2021-05-05 04:24:17.237000 +00:00:00') was aborted. Call getNextException to see the cause.
- SBS Logs have the below error:
ERROR: value too long for type character varying(100)
- You are on a Hosted on On-Premise Instance
The root cause is that the TYPE column in the below tables is limited to 100 characters in width:
The width of the TYPE column in the above tables needs to be increased by executing the below SQL statements:
ALTER TABLE jivedw_group ALTER COLUMN name TYPE varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE jivedw_group_stage ALTER COLUMN name TYPE varchar(255);
For On-Premise instances, you can execute these queries yourself using your preferred database workbench, like psql for Postgresql.
For Hosted instances, you will have to contact customer support to make these changes.
For Hosted customers, you will have to follow the process for making database changes.
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