You are trying to view Community Analytics (Cloud Analytics) but the reports are blank and there is an error message saying “Whoops. There was a problem creating this chart. Give it another try.”
- The browser’s developer console has errors saying “Bad Request error 400”.
- This error is only seen on one user’s Windows 10 computer. Community Analytics works fine for the same user on a different computer, and it works fine for other users on other computers.
The error you are observing is "400: Bad Request" which is a client-side error which means the problem is not on the Jive side but it is being caused by the machine you are currently using. You being able to use Cloud Analytics from a different PC also tells us that your Jive user does not have a problem related to Permissions etc.
As a troubleshooting step, you can launch Windows using the Safe Mode (with Networking). When you launch the Safe Mode, Windows does not start any third-party program. The reason for trying this is to see if your Windows 10 machine will be able to reach Cloud Analytics API while no 3rd party program installed on your machine is running. If so, we will understand that a program on your machine is causing the issue, and either this program should be identified and uninstalled or you might need to get help from your IT department to perform a clean installation of Windows 10 onto the problematic device.
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