You noticed that some of your Jive community users are not able to RSVP to Events using Google Chrome, but they can RSVP using Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox.
Additionally, the Google Chrome browser's console in developer tools also shows the error Uncaught
TypeError: this.rsvp is not a function.
you will also see HTTP 401 authentication errors in the Network tab of the developer tools. If you have recorded a HAR file, the Authentication Error
is also present (possibly at multiple places) as follows:
This issue occurs because of system and application cache and/or synchronization issues with nodes and webservers. If you have a Jive on-premise instance, please follow these steps to resolve the issue:
For Jive Cloud or Hosted instance, please contact us.
Instructions for Support Agents
Follow the articles based to perform these steps on behalf of the customer:
After the rolling restart is completed, the RSVP functionality should work as expected for all users.
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