You may be trying to install Jive On-Premise 9.x. The installation guide says that you need to download a PDF2SWF RPM and install that. However, the link for downloading this does not work: https://static.jiveon.com/docconverter
The error is "Service Unavailable - DNS Failure".
Is this a required step? Is there a workaround available?
This is applicable to Jive On-Premise 9.x
The PDF2SWF module is no longer necessary, as the addition of the module was to allow Document Conversion to Flash-based previews. Since Jive 9 also supports HTML5 previews (that is the default on more recent editions) this component is no longer required in order to install Jive 9.x.
Jive, on the command line, may still ask for PDF2SWF installation. You can run the command as below to ignore the warning:
jive start --skip-setup
For a more permanent solution, you may also run the following command on the document conversion node as the jiveuser, which would ignore the warning for lack of PDF2SWF:
jive set main.skip_setup true
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