The view counter is a common counter that appears on pages to show how many times a piece of content or a page was viewed by users.
The original idea of the counter dates back to the 90s, when a simple counter was visible on most websites:
The importance of the number of views increased greatly with the rise of social interactions and web ads and usually is the base metric to determine the "popularity" of a specific page or a website.
A well-known example of a typical counter is the number of "views" on Youtube:
A similar number is often reported also in analytics software. In the following example, you can see Google Analytics:
As shown in the above example, it is common for analytics software to report also other metrics like Users or Sessions, in addition to the "standard" Pageviews.
Product example - Jive
In Jive, this feature is implemented in a similar way to what has been presented in the overview: a simple counter is displayed on each content item, and more extensive data with the possibility of selecting the timespan of analysis can be found in the Analytics.
The counter in Jive is displayed at the bottom of the page:
The analytics console is embedded in the product, and, in the latest iteration, is called "Cloud Analytics".
An example of a report of top documents by Views is shown in the screenshot below:
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