While investigating the application logs to identify why a place cannot be deleted from your Jive on-premise community, you identified an error message similar to the following example that you suspect is related to the deletion attempt:
- "ERROR","logger":"com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.ExceptionMappingInterceptor","message":null, "exception":"java.lang.NullPointerException\n\tat com.jivesoftware.community.impl.DbAttachment
This error message may be appearing due to invalid attachments that are attached to content items in the place that you are unable to delete.
Support agents: This article is for on-premise customers only. For cloud or hosted customers, review the steps in this article.
For a list of common errors that can prevent a place from being deleted, review this article.
Please follow these steps:
- Get the containerID and the containerType of the place in Jive.
- Provide your IT team with the containerID and the containerType of the place, then ask them to perform the following steps on your Jive application database:
- Backup the jiveattachment and jiveattachversion tables.
Run the following queries, replacing <containerType> and <containerID> with the containerType and containerID that was provided:
select count(*) from jiveattachversion where attachmentid in
(select attachmentid from jiveattachment where objectid in
(select internaldocid from jivedocument
where containerid = <containerID> and containertype = <containerType>)
and objecttype=102);- Make a note of the count value in the results of this query.
delete from jiveattachversion where attachmentid in
(select attachmentid from jiveattachment where objectid in
(select internaldocid from jivedocument
where containerid = <containerID> and containertype = <containerType>)
and objecttype=102);- Confirm that the number of rows affected by this query matches the count value of the query in Step 1.
select count(*) from jiveattachment where objectid in
(select internaldocid from jivedocument
where containerid = <containerID> and containertype = <containerType>)
and objecttype=102;- Make a note of the count value in the results of this query. For example, the query may return a count of 100.
delete from jiveattachment where objectid in
(select internaldocid from jivedocument
where containerid = <containerID> and containertype = <containerType>)
and objecttype=102;- Confirm that the number of rows affected by this query matches the count value of the query in Step 3.
- Browse to the Jive community.
- Attempt to delete the place again.
- If the issue persists, please contact us so that ATLAS can assist you. If you are not satisfied with the solution provided by ATLAS, then it will create a ticket for you on which you can provide the below information:
- The sbs.log files (located in /usr/local/jive/var/logs) from the Jive web application servers attached. Please consult with your IT team if you need assistance with locating these files or attaching them to the ticket.
- The containerID and containerType of the place (from Step 1 of the solution).
- The deletion attempt time.
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