You have a document in your instance that has a table in it. When you click on the Actions menu for that document, and you click on "View as PDF", the table in the generated PDF file doesn't fit inside the page and is not rendered correctly.
This article provides more information about this issue and describes a possible workaround for it.
Jive Cloud.
This issue was identified as a defect and is currently in the process of being investigated by the Jive Engineering Team, under the code JVCLD-37571.
The cause of this issue may be an out-of-date PDF file that was generated for this document in a previous version of Jive. This workaround may resolve the problem:
- Navigate to the document.
- Click on Edit.
- Make a minor change to the document, such as modifying one of the table column widths slightly.
- Click on the Publish button.
- Check to see if the same issue occurs when you click on the "View as PDF" action.
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