When typing the # sign in a content item's description, then typing a word after it, a small popup appears to enable you to create a hashtag based on that word.
An issue occurs when you don't create a hashtag when that popup appears, then you return to the word later and create a hashtag from it. In that case, the content tag that gets created at the bottom of the content item is incorrect.
For example, after typing in "this #issue is occurring", then returning to "#issue" to create a hashtag, the content tag that appears at the bottom is incorrect:
This article provides more information on this issue.
Jive Hosted or On-Premise.
This issue was identified as a defect in Jive versions prior to 9.0.6. However, as of Jive versions 9.0.6 and later, the product design regarding tags created in content item descriptions/RTEs has changed.
In Jive versions 9.0.6 and later, tags that are created in a content item's description/in an RTE are no longer automatically created as content tags but are instead added to the Tag Cloud for your instance. This can be accessed by adding /tags to your instance address. For example, https://yourinstanceaddress/tags.
If this issue occurs while using the 9.0.6 version of Jive or a later version, contact us.
For more information on this change, please contact your account manager or customer success manager, referencing the code JVHOPST-94.
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