How can you get a list of the activity that is taking place in your Jive community? For example, you would like to know which users have done any of the following over the past three months:
- Logged in
- Created new content
- Uploaded a file
Or you would like general statistics on web traffic including:
- Number of Visitors
- Number of Page Views
- Number of Search Queries on any given day
This article describes the steps needed to get these types of lists.
Please note that providing custom reports of this type is outside the Jive Support Team's scope of work. However, there are tools within Jive that can be used to extract reports of this type:
All Types of Instances:
- Getting Custom Reports/Lists for Spaces or Content in Your Community.
- Connecting Google Analytics with Your Jive Site
Jive Cloud
Jive On-Premise or Hosted
Jive On-Premise and Jive Hosted customers can generate lists of this type by querying their Jive databases (or copies of them in the case of Jive Hosted customers).
The following document contains links to the database schemas as well as other helpful information about querying the Jive databases: Finding the Jive Database Schemas.
Reports can also be generated via the Community Manager Reports Plugin - which is available to Community Managers and Administrators.
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