While investigating the application logs to identify why a place cannot be deleted from your Jive community, you identified an error message similar to the following example that you suspect is related to the deletion attempt:
- {"timestamp":"2020-03-06T15:23:06.591Z","thread":"https-jsse-nio-","userid":500,"username":"jive_user","usertype":"REGULAR","level":"ERROR","logger":"com.jivesoftware.community.statics.ContainerEventListener","message":"ERROR","logger":"com.jivesoftware.community.statics.ContainerEventListener","message": "Error while trying to delete a static with filename=solid-green.png", placeObjectId=1415, placeObjectId=1415"
The error that causes this message is triggered whenever Jive attempts to delete a corrupt/invalid static resource from the place you are trying to delete. Static resources are files that were uploaded to a page, widget, or tile in a place.
To resolve this issue, it's necessary to identify the filename of the static resource, then delete it from the place manually. Typically, the static resource that causes this issue is the banner image used by the place.
Checking if The Static Resource in the Error Message is the Banner Image
- Identify the filename of the static resource by checking the text that appears after filename= in the error message. In the above example, the filename is solid-green.png.
- Browse to the group or space that can't be deleted.
- Follow these steps depending on your instance type:
Jive Hosted and On-Premise customers:
- Click on Manage > Settings.
- Click on the Banner design button that appears in the top right section of the page.
Jive Cloud customers:
- Click on Gear Icon > Settings.
- Click on the Edit banner button that appears in the top right section of the page.
Jive Hosted and On-Premise customers:
- Click on the Custom tab.
- Check the Background Image name:
If the Background Image name matches the filename that you identified in the error message:
- Click on the (remove) link that appears next to the background image name.
- Click on the Close button.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom left of the page.
- Move on to the Testing section.
If the banner image name doesn't match the filename:
- Click on Close.
- Click on the Cancel button.
- Follow the steps in the next section.
If the Background Image name matches the filename that you identified in the error message:
Removing the File From the Static Resources
- Click on Manage > Static resources (or the Gear Icon > Static resources if you are a Jive Cloud customer).
- Locate the filename that you identified in the Your uploaded files section, then click on the small "x" that appears in the same row as the file:
- Click on Delete in the confirmation popup.
Support agents:
Review the information listed here to begin an investigation into why a place can't be deleted from Jive.
- Browse to the Jive community.
- Attempt to delete the place again.
- If the place does not get deleted successfully, please contact us so that ATLAS can assist you. If you are not satisfied with the solution provided by ATLAS, then it will create a ticket for you on which you can provide this information.
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