This article provides instructions on the process of changing, requesting, or removing/returning a vanity URL for your Jive Community Instance.
A vanity URL is a domain name (community.mydomain.com) purchased and maintained by you which replaces the default site URL that was provided to you by Jive (customer.hosted.jivesoftware.com or community.jiveon.com).
Support agents:
Based on the customer's instance type, follow the process linked below to process a change of Vanity URL.
- Process for Adding, Removing, and Updating Vanity URLs in Cloud instances
- Process for Adding, Removing, and Updating Vanity URLs in Hosted instances
If your instance uses Single Sign-on (SSO) login, you will need to update your SSO configuration at your SSO provider's end for the SSO login to correctly work after any changes to the Vanity URL are made by Jive Support.
Requesting or Changing a Vanity URL
Please follow these steps:
Decide on the Vanity URL that you would like to set for your Jive community. Please note the following information:
- Jive only supports subdomains of your root domain as vanity URLs. For example, customer.com is not supported, but the following examples would be:
- community.customer.com
- www.customer.com
- Vanity URLs are NOT supported for Cloud Private Preview instances.
- During the move or setup of your vanity URL, there will be a period of downtime as the instance is configured with the new URL. The Jive support team will coordinate with you about the downtime.
- Once the vanity URL change is made, the previous URL will no longer be available and no redirects can be put in place.
- Jive only supports subdomains of your root domain as vanity URLs. For example, customer.com is not supported, but the following examples would be:
- Contact us with the vanity URL you would like to set up for your community.
- Once the change has been coordinated with Jive Support and the vanity URL has been setup, ensure to create the CNAME DNS entries to provided to you by Jive. This must be coordinated internally within your organization with the department/person(s) who are responsible for managing the external DNS settings.
Removing/Returning a Vanity URL
In order to ensure a smooth transition back to your original Jive-provided community URL, please contact us indicating when you would like to remove your vanity URL. The Jive Support Team will coordinate with you to ensure that you are able to access your community through the Jive-provided community URL.
1 comment
Now that there is no JVES, who will be changing or removing the vanity URL.
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