This article explains a possible reason for the JEP RSS Tile failing with the error "Error fetching data, please check RSS url".
When looking in the browser console (in Chrome, accessed with F12 > Console tab) an error similar to the following is displayed (pay attention especially to the part highlighted in red):
i18next::translator: missingKey undefined common
config.global.loading config.global.loading
SCRIPT1014: Invalid character
dom_actions.html (172,58)
i18next: languageChanged en
i18next: initialized [object Object]
"i18next: initialized"
[functions]: ,
__proto__: { },
appendNamespaceToCIMode: false,
appendNamespaceToMissingKey: false,
contextSeparator: "_",
debug: true,
defaultNS: "translations",
fallbackLng: [ ],
fallbackNS: false,
initImmediate: true,
interpolation: { },
joinArrays: false,
keySeparator: ".",
load: "all",
missingInterpolationHandler: false,
missingKeyHandler: false,
nonExplicitWhitelist: false,
ns: [ ],
nsMode: "fallback",
nsSeparator: ":",
parseMissingKeyHandler: false,
partialBundledLanguages: false,
pluralSeparator: "_",
postProcess: false,
preload: false,
react: { },
resources: { },
returnEmptyString: true,
returnNull: true,
returnObjects: false,
saveMissing: false,
saveMissingPlurals: true,
saveMissingTo: "fallback",
simplifyPluralSuffix: true,
Symbol(mui.nested)_y.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(observable)_z.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.async_mode)_s.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.concurrent_mode)_t.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.context)_r.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.element)_l.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.forward_ref)_u.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.fragment)_n.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.lazy)_x.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.memo)_w.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.portal)_m.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.profiler)_p.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.provider)_q.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.strict_mode)_o.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.suspense)_v.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
updateMissing: false,
whitelist: false
[object Object]
[functions]: ,
__proto__: { },
content: "{"status":"error","message":"Cannot download this RSS feed, make sure the Rss URL is correct."}",
headers: { },
metadata: { },
status: 500,
Symbol(mui.nested)_y.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(observable)_z.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.async_mode)_s.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.concurrent_mode)_t.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.context)_r.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.element)_l.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.forward_ref)_u.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.fragment)_n.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.lazy)_x.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.memo)_w.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.portal)_m.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.profiler)_p.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.provider)_q.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.strict_mode)_o.z14jktl9ixc: undefined,
Symbol(react.suspense)_v.z14jktl9ixc: undefined
Please verify that the URL you are using for your RSS feed is an unauthenticated public URL. This means that if you copy the URL configured in the tile and paste it in your browser in an Incognito session, you should be able to see the RSS content without the need for any authentication. For example, using the public Nasa picture of the day RSS feed, it is possible to see it from an unauthenticated Incognito window:
Also, to confirm that the tile is properly configured, replace the RSS URL in the "RSS Settings" on your RSS tile with the sample URL shown in the above screenshot: https://www.nasa.gov/rss/dyn/lg_image_of_the_day.rss
- Review your settings and compare with what is described in the RSS Tile Configuration Guide
- If everything seems correctly configured, please open a ticket in the Jive Support Portal
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