This article shows how to get a list of all users in an instance, including active and inactive users.
Custom reporting is outside of the Jive Support Team's Scope of Work, so a Jive Support Agent cannot help you in this task.
You can extract the list on your own, using API, following the below suggestions, or engage Professional Services through your Account Manager.
Using API to extract the list of users
The relevant API endpoint you are interested in is "people/", that in the official documentation is referenced with the name Person Service.
The following example assumes:
- that you are using curl, available for all platforms
- that your instance has URL yourcommunity.jiveon.com
- that you have an admin user with username admin@yourcommunity.com and password pass123
The main call you have to perform is the following:
curl -u admin@yourcommunity.com:pass123 'https://yourcommunity.jiveon.com/api/core/v3/people?count=100'
As you can see from the parameter "count=100", it will return the first 100 entries. For performance reasons, 100 is the maximum number of entries that you can get.
You will get something similar to the following:
{ "itemsPerPage" : 100, "links" : { "previous" : "https://yourcommunity.jiveon.com/api/core/v3/people?sort=firstNameAsc&fields=%40summary&origin=unknown&count=100", "next" : "https://yourcommunity.jiveon.com/api/core/v3/people?sort=firstNameAsc&fields=%40summary&origin=unknown&count=100&startIndex=200" }, "list" : [ { "id" : "2014",
Iterating through the URLs provided in the next links, you can get the full list of users.
As stated in the beginning, building the full script is outside of the scope of Support.
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