You would like to know if you can restore a Jive content item (for example, a blog post, document, idea, or video) or a place (a group, space, or project) that was deleted.
Once a Jive content item or a place is deleted, it cannot be restored by any means (including restoring a system backup or using Records Retention) unless it is a Jive document or uploaded file.
- To restore/recover a deleted document or an uploaded file, follow the steps in the Restoring/Reinstating a Document or an Uploaded File That Was Deleted KB article.
We recommend that you carefully consider which users are granted Manage System, Manage Community, or Full Access system administration privileges. Users with those privileges have the ability to delete any place or content item anywhere in your Jive community, with very few exceptions.
- To identify who deleted a group or space, review the How Can You Find Out Who Deleted a Group or Space in Jive? KB article.
- To identify who deleted an idea, review the Finding Out Who Deleted an Idea (Jive Hosted and On-Premise) KB article.
- To identify who deleted a Tile, review Determining Who Removed a Tile from a Group.
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