This article outlines the procedure to upgrade to the latest versions of the Jive for Office and Jive for Outlook plug-ins.
It is recommended that you always update to the latest release of Jive for Office or Jive for Outlook as they become available. New versions of these plug-ins should automatically download to client computers without intervention, but if for some reason the automatic update process fails, you can retrieve and install the latest version manually by following the steps below.
Open the Jive Admin Console
Click Advanced Settings in the lower-left corner to see the Advanced Admin Console (if not already enabled)
Click the System tab
Click the Settings tab just below
Click Jive for Office / Jive for Outlook
Click Client Binaries
Download and install the latest version to the client computer
Run the executable and install
Restart the Office program
Note: If you don't have access to the Jive Admin Console, you can also download the latest versions of the Jive for Office / Jive for Outlook software from the AureaWorks community tools page (login required) or the Jive for Office / Outlook Release Notes page.
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