When looking at the XML produced by the Retention Add-on, a record similar to the following is observed:
<ResourceName><![CDATA[unknown place]]></ResourceName>
<Title><![CDATA[User relationship state]]></Title>
<ContentText mimeType="html" charCount="238">
<![CDATA[<a href="https://www.communityurl.com/people/SYSTEM">SYSTEM SYSTEM</a>
interacted with <a href=" ">unknown item</a> in <a href="#">unknown place</a>
<br /> <em>Posted publically</em>
- available to all users.<br />Unknown content]]>
The UserID is replaced with # when it refers to a deleted user - also when some other user interacts with a deleted user.
This change was introduced by JVHOPST-4071 starting from Jive HOP 9.0.7 but is not mentioned in the release notes.
The reason for the change is the compliance with GDPR and other privacy regulations.
This is not a bug but works as designed.
In case this output does not work with your external software, you may reach out to your Account Manager in order to engage our Professional Services. Depending on your setup, they might be able to introduce post-processing on these XML files before they are ingested by your external application.
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