Checking the Jive Cloud Admin (JCA) tool to get the Jive version and product edition information of a Jive website might be a lengthy process, which is also not applicable to On-Premise customers.
This article provides the steps on how to obtain this information by using an API call on your browser.
To obtain the version and edition information:
Append the endpoint below to the Jive website/URL on your browser's address bar:
<website URL>/api/version
Note: You do not need to log in to the instance for this API call to work.
Press the Enter key on your keyboard to run the API call.
Check the values corresponding to the keys listed below from the JSON data to obtain the version and product edition information:
Information JSON key Jive version "jiveVersion" Product edition "product" : "on-prem" or "jiven" SSO (if enabled or disabled, including the technology used) "ssoEnabled"
Cloud instance: https://aurea.jiveon.com/api/version
Hosted instance (v 9.0.x): https://community.jivesoftware.com/api/version
Hosted instance (v 8.0.x): https://newjetnet.aa.com/api/version
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