It is possible to upgrade your Jive gamification system. You can migrate from Jive Status Levels (Jive's oldest gamification system) to Jive Playbox or Rewards and the process is seamless. Gamification data from the old Jive Status Level points are automatically moved to Jive Rewards when the latter is enabled. However, there will be some differences in the number of rewards previously earned in Status Levels as compared to Playbox.
This article provides more information on the items and tasks to be considered prior to migration to Jive Playbox or Jive Rewards.
- You can choose to not migrate points and badges to Rewards. In this case, you need to contact us if you wish to keep an older version of gamification, Jive Status Levels. Existing customers from 2016 and earlier are given the option to migrate.
- After migration, the leaderboards will show little changes for approximately a month. This happens because users automatically gain all their old points on the day of the migration so weekly and monthly leaderboards are skewed until it is replaced by real and current data from Playbox.
- Badge images for quests and levels should be updated to higher quality. By default, Rewards gives points for more types of activities than the older Jive points and Status Levels. You should review and adjust point scales appropriately for increased activity and add more levels.
The minimum image size for badges is 300 x 300 pixels. The recommended format is .JPEG, but you can use other image types. You may also want to replace your images if you were using a different size.
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