This article explains the different configurations that you should check in cases where the Impact Metrics are not displaying in blogs and documents.
Check that the Analytics Settings are Configured and Enabled
Impact Metrics are based on data that has been collected from events, and stored in the Analytics database (Hosted & On-Prem).
- Check that the Analytics Database is Configured properly.
- Check that the Analytics Events are enabled for the reports to accumulate data.
Check Impact Metrics Related Properties
Missing system properties. System properties are responsible for data and reports configuration options. A missing system property affects data that flows into the impact metrics dashboard. You may use the following SQL query to determine if there are system properties that are missing.
select * from jiveproperty where name ILIKE '%impact%
- Incorrect system property values. Each of the configuration system properties has its corresponding value. A missing or incorrect value will likewise affect the output that displays in the Impart Metrics dashboard.
Specifically, check for the following:
- SELECT * FROM jiveproperty WHERE propname LIKE '%impactstats%';
- This will let us see the Impact Metrics properties and whether they're set up properly or not.
- SELECT * FROM jiveproperty WHERE propname LIKE '%eae%';
- The EAE properties may indicate whether there's an issue with the database or not.
Refer to the System Configuration Properties Matrix for Impact Metrics and check if any of those listed properties are missing or have wrong values. If so, add the missing system property.
Check if ETL Jobs Completed Successfully
ETL Jobs load data into the Analytics database. These need to finish successfully for Impact Metrics to get updated data. To check their status, navigate to Admin Console > System > Settings > Analytics > Data Load. Look for status and error messages next to the ETL Jobs.
E.g. a successful run will look like this:
Or you may see the status of "Interrupted" like this:
Or you may see the status of "Failed" like this:
Check Log Files for Errors
SBS Logs (for Hosted & On-Prem) should be the first place to look for any error messages. Look out for an error like the one below:
ERROR com.jivesoftware.community.analytics.impact.task.impl.SpringBatchJobTask
- org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not
open JDBC Connection for transaction; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
This ResultSet is closed.
This error is likely due to a Postgresql database driver mismatch.
Check Jive & Database Versions
If there is a JDBC error in the logs ("This ResultSet is closed"), then you should check whether you have a supported version of the Postgresql database installed for Analytics.
Navigate to Admin Console > System > Management > System Information (<jive_site>/admin/system-info.jsp). Here you can check the Jive SBS version.
On your Analytics server's Linux command line, check the Postgresql database version.
Also, on your web application nodes, check the PostgreSQL Driver versions. You will find the driver file under the folder /usr/local/jive/tomcat/lib
Run the command
~/java/bin/java -jar postgresql-9.3-1102-jdbc41.jar
(Replace the name of the jar file with the one that you find on your instance above).
This will tell you the version of the Driver.
If you find that the driver version doesn't match the Postgresql version, or that the version of PostgreSQL installed is not supported for the version of Jive SBS installed, you can refer to this linked article for possible solutions.
Perform a rolling restart
Follow the steps in Jive On-Premise: Performing a Rolling Restart or How to Restart your Jive Hosted Instance using Jive Cloud Admin (JCA) to perform a rolling restart.
Check for Outages
If you are a Jive Cloud customer and cannot see Impact Metrics, check for any known outages and contact us if required. For details, please see the article: Data Problems in the Place/Community Analytics, Analytics API, Impact Metrics, or Analytics Export.
Try to reproduce the issue on a QA Instance with the exact same release of Jive Cloud as the one on which the customer is seeing the problem. When you can reproduce the issue, create a Jira ticket in JVCLD (for Cloud instances).
Verify & Close Ticket
Once you have found the root cause of the issue on a test instance, and you have found a fix for it, apply that fix on the customer instance as well. If the fix is something that the customer can apply themselves, it may suffice to demonstrate the root cause and fix to the customer over a video call.
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