The customer faces an issue wherein the Webapp node is getting full. They notice the following notification:
/usr/local/jive capacity low
Used (%)'s value 76.00 was greater than the threshold 75.00 for the last 30 minutes
The customer also noticed a huge caching for attachments (38GB) and documents (12GB) at paths:
/usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/attachments/cache/ ==> 38 GB
/usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/documents/cache/ ==> 12GB
The customer wants to know if this is a normal Jive Application behavior and what should be the recommendations for resolving the capacity issue.
Jive Interactive Intranet- Jive Core - On-Premise.
The customer can follow any of these 3 options to resolve the capacity issue:
- Cleaning the cache folders in hope that the cache folders will contain dead stuff which is not linked to any content.
- Increase the FS storage gradually.
- Check for the old files in the cache folders (something like <6months, >6months & <12months, >12months) to see if there is any ancient files in the cache.
- Script to show the cached file sizes per month for attachments and documents folder:
find /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/attachments/cache/ -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm %s\n' | awk '{b[$1]+=$2} END{for (date in b) printf "%s %5.1f MiB\n", date, b[date]/1024**2}' | sort
/usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/documents/cache/ -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm %s\n' | awk '{b[$1]+=$2} END{for (date in b) printf "%s %5.1f MiB\n", date, b[date]/1024**2}' | sort
- Script to show the cached file sizes per month for attachments and documents folder:
Sample output of the script:
find /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/documents/cache/ -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm %s\n' | awk '{b[$1]+=$2} END{for (date in b) printf "%s %5.1f MiB\n", date, b[date]/1024**2}' | sort
2017-07 3.1 MiB
2017-08 2.3 MiB
2017-09 19.7 MiB
2017-10 60.2 MiB
2017-11 48.7 MiB
2017-12 104.7 MiB
2018-01 120.0 MiB
2018-02 218.7 MiB
A cron job script could be created which can run once a week (Saturday 5 am- for example) and which can delete the contents of those two cache folders older than 6 months. The possible downside is that if the file is not found, it will be generated on the fly, so there will be a performance penalty, but this way it can prevent the build up of old unused files on the filesystem.
If necesary, Jive Professional Services can be engaged to set up the script and the cron job.
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