This article addresses an issue where theres is a degraded performance in Jive, and the application logs generate the below error message significantly:
[::] ERROR com.jivesoftware.cache.provider.voldemort.VoldemortCache - Exception truncating cache 'I18n Text cache_72491fc9-1c4e-4e67-9d37-28666ba159dc' on node 1: No store named 'I18n Text cache_72491fc9-1c4e-4e67-9d37-28666ba159dc'.
Jive On-Premise
Root Cause
The performance degradation is due to cache errors being generated and filling up the application logs.
Perform a full restart of the application. Make sure to stop the services following this order:
- Jive Core Web web application server
- Jive Cache server
- Jive Activity Engine service (EAE)
- Jive On-Premise Search service
- Jive Document Conversion service
- Jive Databases (Jive Core DB, EAE DB, Analytics DB)
Restart the services in the following order:
- Jive Databases (Jive Core DB, EAE DB, Analytics DB)
- Jive Document Conversion Service
- Jive On-Premise Search Service
- Jive Activity Engine Service (EAE)
- Jive Cache Server
- Jive Core web application server
Jive web application services should always be the first services you stop and the last services you start.
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