Users are unable to change the dates in CMR (Community Manager Report) reports.
Errors are found in the sbs.log file related to ORA-00600, where ETL summary tasks are failing to run:
14 Jan 2014 01:27:11,141 [http-] [52708:username:REGULAR] ERROR tasks.AnalyticsChartSummationETL - Opps an error occured while summarizing org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: PreparedStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [SELECT d.begin_ts, q.user_id, q.container_id, q.container_type_z, COUNT(DISTINCT q.thread_id) * 1 FROM jivedw_question q, jivedw_day d, jivedw_user_type_z y, (SELECT m.thread_id AS tid, MIN(os.status_ts) AS ts FROM jivedw_message m, jivedw_question q, jivedw_object_status os WHERE m.parent_message_id <> 0 AND q.thread_id = m.thread_id AND m.message_id = os.object_id AND os.object_type_z = 2 AND os.status = 2 GROUP BY m.thread_id HAVING MIN(os.status_ts) >= ? AND MIN(os.status_ts) <= ? )t1 WHERE q.user_id = y.user_id AND (y.external = 0 OR y.external = 2) AND y.visible = 1 AND q.thread_id = tid AND q.thread_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT object_id FROM jivedw_deleted_objects WHERE object_type_z IN ( 1, 27) AND deleted_ts < ? ) AND q.thread_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT o.object_id FROM jivedw_moved_objects o, jivedw_message m WHERE o.object_id = m.thread_id AND m.parent_message_id <> 0 AND o.moved_ts > m.creation_ts AND o.object_type_z IN ( 1, 27) ) AND t1.ts >= d.begin_ts AND t1.ts <= d.end_ts GROUP BY d.begin_ts, q.user_id, q.container_id, q.container_type_z ]; SQL state [60000]; error code [600]; ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [32695], [hash aggregation can't be done], [], [], [], [], [], [] ; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [32695], [hash aggregation can't be done], [], [], [], [], [], []
Root Cause
The database tables referenced in the Jive application had not been analyzed in over a month. This was causing the PLAN to return more rows than needed.
Jive Custom (On-Premise) Database - Oracle DB
- Reanalyze all the tables in the database schema using the
command. - If you continue to see ORA-00600 errors after reanalyzing the database, file a support case with Jive to further investigate the issue.
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