Updates for ${dateHeader}

<#if (statusEnabled)>

Your Status

<#if (currentStatus?exists)>

Last status update: "${currentStatus}"

Update your status


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<#if (digestActivityBeans.size() > 0)>

Latest Activity

Activity from the people, places, and content you are following

<#list digestActivityBeans as digestActivity> <#if digestActivity.activityContainerViewBean?? && digestActivity.activityContainerViewBean.jiveObject??>
<#if (digestActivity.activityContainerViewBean.jiveObject.objectType == statics["com.jivesoftware.eae.constants.ActivityConstants"].SOCIAL_NEWS)> Social News: <#elseif (digestActivity.activityContainerViewBean.jiveObject.objectType == statics["com.jivesoftware.eae.constants.ActivityConstants"].LATEST_LIKES)> Latest Likes: <#elseif (digestActivity.activityContainerViewBean.jiveObject.objectType == statics["com.jivesoftware.eae.constants.ActivityConstants"].EAE_ACCLAIM)> Latest Acclaim: <#else> ${digestActivity.activityContainerViewBean.jiveObject.subject!""} <#assign numberOfUsers=digestActivity.uniqueUsers?size> <#assign listOfUsers> <#list digestActivity.uniqueUsers as user> <#if (user_index > 0)>, <#if (user_index == 5)><#break/> <#if (user.visible)> ${user.displayName} <#else> ${user.displayName} <#if (numberOfUsers > 5)> new activity by ${listOfUsers} and more. <#else> new activity by ${listOfUsers}

Your Content

Recent stats for content you've created or contributed to

<#if (yourContentHtml?exists && yourContentHtml.hasNext())> <#assign num = 0 /> <#list yourContentHtml as content> <#if ( (content.getObjectType() == JiveConstants.THREAD) || (content.commentDelegator??) ) > <#assign num = (num+1) /> <#if (num >= 10) > <#break/>
<#if (content.getObjectType() == JiveConstants.THREAD)> <#if ((content.viewCount!0) == 1) && (content.messageCount == 2) > ${content.subject} was viewed 1 time and replied to by 1 person <#elseif ((content.viewCount!0) != 1) && (content.messageCount == 2) > ${content.subject} was viewed ${content.viewCount!0} times and replied to by 1 person <#elseif ((content.viewCount!0) != 1) && (content.messageCount != 2) > ${content.subject} was viewed ${content.viewCount!0} times and replied to by ${content.messageCount-1} people <#elseif ((content.viewCount!0) == 1) && (content.messageCount != 2) > ${content.subject} was viewed 1 time and replied to by ${content.messageCount-1} people <#else> <#if ((content.viewCount!0) == 1) && (content.commentDelegator.commentCount == 1) > ${content.subject} was viewed 1 time and commented on by 1 person <#elseif ((content.viewCount!0) != 1) && (content.commentDelegator.commentCount == 1) > ${content.subject} was viewed ${content.viewCount!0} times and commented on by 1 person <#elseif ((content.viewCount!0) != 1) && (content.commentDelegator.commentCount != 1) > ${content.subject} was viewed ${content.viewCount!0} times and commented on by ${content.commentDelegator.commentCount} people <#elseif ((content.viewCount!0) == 1) && (content.commentDelegator.commentCount != 1) > ${content.subject} was viewed 1 time and commented on by ${content.commentDelegator.commentCount} people


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